Correspondence with Franz Werfel and Adolf Klarmann, 1916-1967.


Correspondence with Franz Werfel and Adolf Klarmann, 1916-1967.

The letters from Werfel to Spirk date from 1916 to 1918, during the period when he was carrying on a romantic relationship with her; no letters from Spirk to Werfel are included. The remaining correspondence is between Spirk and Adolf Klarmann and dates from 1948 to 1967. The latter corresponcence indicates that Klarmann borrowed from Spirk letters of Werfel in her possession, in order to make transcripts (some handwritten and some typed) and photocopies; these letters were subsequently deposited in the Deutsches Literaturarchiv, Marbach. The transcripts and photocopies here represent only a portion of the Werfel letters which Spirk possessed. The letters from Kallir to Klarmann mainly concern Kallir's perception of Spirk's wishes pertaining to the disposition and possible publication of the Werfel letters (a publication was apparently being considered at the time). Also included is the announcement sent out by Spirk's family upon her death.

91 items (149 leaves).

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